How To Harness Your Mitochondria

How To Harness Your Mitochondria

Grow Old Disgracefully/Gracefully

When we think about growing older, we often reflect on our grandparents.  What do we remember about them?  Well, they looked old and had white haired, spent a lot of time reading and didn’t move a lot as they were frail, and had various complaints, aches and pains.  This is not what I want my final 20 years to look like.  I am quite sure it is not what you would like either.  There is no point living longer if those final years when we should be enjoying our retirement, become a painful grind, with a long list of reasons why we cannot go out and live the life we want to lead, because of a failing body and faculties.

To prolong our body’s ability to function at it’s optimum, it is important to nourish our mitochondria.  You probably remember that word from school biology.  They are the power house of our cells.  Our body’s need energy to move, to eat, to breathe, and that chemical energy in the body is produced in a part of the cell called the Mitochondria.



What are the roles of Mitochondria?

  1. They convert fats and carbohydrates (glucose) into usable forms of energy for the body
  2. They produce ATP (Adenosine Triphospate)
  3. Mitochondria use the oxygen in the body to create ATP
  4. The number of mitochondria per cell varies with every cell type
  5. They are responsible for cell apoptosis (death of cells)
  6. Mitochondria produce free radicals

Cells that require more energy contain more mitochondria such as your big muscle groups.  Muscle cells that contract, need to create a lot more ATP to support muscle contraction - think about your heart here. 

As you grow older what are the first things to start failing?  Your heart may start to let you down, you can’t run upstairs, walk the hills and you experience heart issues.  You tend to feel less vital as your muscles don’t have the same strength they used to.  Your brain may start to become muddled, and your eyes start to let you down.  All these areas require huge amounts of mitochondria.

Think about the journey of life for a moment the signs are so obvious, if you know what to look for...

Mitochondria and the Ageing Process

Mitochondria and the Ageing Process

If you would like to read this article in full CLICK HERE.

You will learn how to help your mitochondria help you to age gracefully and with energy, You will learn what you need to do to make this happen and the reasons why it is so vital to your welbeing.

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